The past is the present for future generations who do not know their history

Let me tell you bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, and a thing called love…

I am your parents’ generation, and the world was ever ever so much better for my generation growing up. We did not suffer through the Great Depression like our parents and grandparents.I often say that we lived in a Norman Rockwell world. I miss my America. I want my America for my littles who are right now elementary age.
I grew up in southwest Sheffield, not exactly a privileged part of town, but we felt rich. Our community was safe even for girls to wander around on bikes. Our school system actually taught instead of indoctrinated. And in our neighborhood there were railroad workers, construction workers, business owners, and retired grandparents. We looked at families who did not have as much as us, but we were never really well off, with compassion. I recall the teachers dressing one set of kids every day who came to school dirty and ragged.
The uber left did a number on America during the Vietnam conflict; and the brave soldiers returning never to this day got the welcome back they deserved. There have been crooks in office, to note Richard Nixon aka Tricky Dicky. There was LBJ who was disastrous for America…whose wife was a slumloard; and useless Presidents like Carter who put the country into such a malaise that it still hurts your heart yet today. But there have been heroes, too. Our fathers WERE the Greatest Generation and shed blood and died to allow their children and future generations to have continued freedom. That seems to have dissipated today.
We knew the enemy of America, the biggest was Khrushchev who pounded his shoe on the table and said that he would destroy America. For a little girl that was frightening But it was equally as heartening when you saw that the adult generation was going to have none of that. In your lifetime there has been perhaps Bill Clinton who was not a great President and could not keep his pants zipped, but was forced into somewhat greatness by the like of Newt Gingrich who was Speaker of the House and Art Laffer…afterwards he declared that the era of big government was over, a balanced federal budget came to fruition, and America was prosperous and safe. Please take the time to study Art Laffer and the Laffer Curve, bet you Donald Trump knows it well. Then there was Obama under whom America has declined so much, to the point that it is at the brink of not existing. And now Hillary Clinton wants to double down on Obama’s mantras and implement many times as much misery. It is now that Trump has miraculously come upon the scene. He may have some warts, but nothing compared to his opponent. He is a doer, he is a results oriented man, and he is a patriot. The stark contrast between him and his opponent is so deep and wide; there is really only one choice for those who love America. For those who are religious, then it is a good thing if you pray for his safety (after so many political opposition people have suddenly felled dead in the past of your lifetime) and pray that he is righteous and stays that way, and pray that he makes America back to some semblance of what she was, even greater. There is a great service that Christians can do right now to protect their children, grandchildren and future generations and that is to put social issues aside this election and think about all the great things that can and will be accomplished for those who cannot yet vote…for elections are not about us (and unfortunately that is what most Obama voters believed…free phones, free stuff, going to pay my mortgage and put gas in my car)…or the me of you. Elections are always about making the nation better for the next generation. So stand up and make America better for the future generations. That is the America I see and the one I live in now is not nearly as great as the one I grew up in. I worked hard in the 2008 and 2012 elections to keep America from the brink, but the candidates were failed candidates. This election there is only one candidate that is failed….and she must defeated for the sake of our future generations. This is my studied opinion, made from research over almost a decade, lifetime. I love my America. I love my children and grandchildren. I will love my future generations if I get to meet them, but not likely will I get to meet them. We each have a civic duty to protect them and that means being politically informed and active.
Okay, so this treatise was not so much about the birds, bees, flowers or trees, as it was about a thing called LOVE. It was about LOVE for my nation. It was about LOVE for my family. It was about LOVE for my children, which is one less now; LOVE for my grandson and his wife, love for my two littles who are the twinkle in my eyes – my great-grandchildren. And how I am responsible to do everything possible to make my America as great for them as it was for me. And it was every bit as much about honoring our parents, the Greatest Generation, who fought to maintain the freedom that this country has almost thrown away; and the many sacrifices that past generations have made to provide the nation’s children a better future than their present.
What would be so nice would be for those of my generation to comment about how their world looked as they grew up and contrast it with today. I think that would be very instructive.

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